
Saturday 29 September 2012

How to create a dynamic website easily?

Are you in search of  creating a dynamic site for you? Here are the tips....

I am recommending joomla . You can use any of the opensource cms like joomla , wordpress, drupal etc

If you are a newbie i would recommend you to first try in your system and then uploading the entire site to server.

For joomla we need to download latest version of joomla from here.
Then we need a server to run the script.For that, download wamp server from here
Ok done.

Now we need to install wampserver into your Xp or vista. Install it as a regular program. Now open and it will show a new icon on your taskbar like below

If the icon's color is not green it means server is offline , so left click on the icon and select "put online"
Ok now we are done.

Step 1: - left click wamp server icon and select phpmyadmin
Step 2: - new phpmyadmin page opens up. Click on previliages menu
Step 3: - Click ADD NEW USER
Step 4: -Fill in details

Eg:- Username= demouser (any username you want)
        password=.......... (any password)
        select "Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%)"
        In global privileges tick all
         Now click create user
Now you have successfully created a user for database operation

Step 5: -Now click on the database menu
Step 6: -In create new database field type a name for the database and click create

Now you have successfully created database for your joomla.

Step 7: -Now click on the wamp server icon and select "wwwdirectory"

This will lead you to the www folder. Now copy the extracted folder of joomla into www directory.

ie in www folder copy your joomla folder

Step 8: -Now click on the wamp server icon and select "localhost"

Now you will reach localhost page . There you can see the name of joomla folder you just copied.
Click on that and joomla's step by step installation appears. Provide basic details . Give database username and password and database name we just created above.

You can skip the ftp section. And also dont forget to install sample data.

Click on until you reach finish .

After finishing all please remove or rename install folder in your joomla folder in www directory.

Now login to admin panel of joomla and play around.

In joomla admin panel you can see articles, modules , components ,plugins etc

Understanding joomla

The available positions in Joomla are defined by the template you are using. In this tutorial we will show the positions 1-10 in one of Joomla's default templates which is included in the official installation package. To change the position of a certain module, you can access it from the Extensions -> Module Manager page and then change its "Position" setting. Some of the most commonly used position names are top, user1 to user6, left, right, header, footer, breadcrumb, andnewsflash.
In the "top" position of the Joomla website the "Banners" and "Newsflash" modules are placed by default.

The Banners module allows you to upload images that link to a desired URL. You can define your banners from Components -> Banners and then display the selected items by publishing the "Banners" module from the Extensions -> Module Manager page in your Joomla administrative area.

The Newsflash module displays a single random article, or a number of articles in a horizontal or vertical configuration. From your Joomla administration area you can select a category of articles that will be displayed by this module.

The "Top menu" module is published into the "user3" position by default. You can easily create and manage menus from the Menus -> Menus Manager page. You can then set your "Top menu" module to display the menu you have just created.

The "Breadcrumbs" module is placed into the "breadcrumb" position. It is a convenient navigation method which displays the current page you are on and the full "path" to it. If you are in a page called "Sample Page" that is under the main menu, the "Breadcrumbs" will display Home -> Sample Page. Using Breadcrumbs is very useful especially when you have multi-level menus.

The "Search" module is published in the "user4" position of the template. It gives your users the option to search within the content of your website.

Several modules are published into the "left" position of the template. In this position you can publish vertical menus, login forms and many other modules depending on your particular needs.

The "Latest News" module is published into the "user1" position of the template. It displays the most recently added articles from the selected category or from all categories. In addition, you can specify the number of displayed articles depending on your preferences.

The "Popular" module is published into the "user2" position of the template. It will display a selected number of articles that are visited the most. You can either select a category from which the articles will be displayed or you can set the module to display the most visited articles in the entire site.

This is the main part of your website. Here are the newest articles you have set to be displayed on the front page.

A "Polls" module is published into the "right" position of the template. You can create the actual polls from the Components -> Pollspage in the administrative back-end of your Joomla application. Once you have created your Polls, you can choose which one to be displayed on your website by editing the preferences of the "Polls" module from the "Module manager".

"Banners" and "Footer" modules are displayed in the "footer" position of the template. You can use the "Footer" module to display useful links, your copyright and other useful information at the bottom of your page.

Articles are those details in every web page you see. Create new article and save it.

On menu manager you can create a menu and link it to the article you just created. Thus you can add any article to your page.

Featured articles will be shown on the front page of the site.

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